Bloomington Christian School has a Preschool program for kids 2-5 years old and an Elementary program for kids Kindergarten through 6th grade. Call for availability and rates: (909) 877-2810
The Right Track Preschool & Child Care, at Generations Church in North San Bernardino provides care for infants-thru-6th grade, including academic assistance for elementary distance learning, for families of essential workers. Find info on Facebook and at
Although schools have shut down to slow the spread of coronavirus, concern arose for those students who are normally fed at their schools. Statewide school districts hastily put plans in place to deliver “grab and go” meals with minimal contact between cafeteria staff, volunteers and families in need.
Many restaurants and businesses are offering freebies to the courageous men & women who served our country.
128 million people in India lack safe water. Many live in poverty in remote areas where there is no water treatment infrastructure.
Water-related diseases affect millions, mostly children, and women spend their days collecting water instead of working, growing food or caring for their children.
They travel for hours, walking barefoot across dirt roads to collect water carrying dangerous bacteria like e. coli, salmonella and Hepatitus A that can make everyone sick.
Why? Because it's all they have for survival.
Until you click that little "Give Now" button.
India Partners is a 501(c)(3) charity that works alongside a number of agencies within India that are focused on alleviating poverty and injustice.
One of their programs provides safe and disease-free water to transform the health of a family - and even a community - for years to come.
Your gift of $53 will provide one family with clean drinking water.
$265 will bless FIVE families with water that is safe to drink and they can avoid the scourge of these water-related life-threatening illnesses.
Additionally, India Partners' WASH (Water, Access, Sanitation and Hygiene) program teaches people the importance of hygienic practices to help prevent diseases and save lives.
Come along on a musical journey of songs that inspire hope! Check back regularly for I LOVE This Song! to highlight the most popular songs you vote for as a member of the Music Team.
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