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Roof over our head
We have been told our landlord is moving into her rental after 7 yrs. We were always told it was income property and she would never live in it. We are not movers. Yes, I’m grateful my grandson was able to graduate High School this May without this upset but moving and all the expense that comes with was never on our radar. He starts CBU this fall. Was planning to save by living at home but now this! My daughter is just starting her job, it’s a blessing, but pay isn’t grand. I am a senior, have a great job remote, but now days, costs for rentals are over the top and money was just not budgeted for such an expense. We have not been able to find a decent rental that is affordable, allow our pup, and is local. We/I am so discouraged, feel like a failure for not owning a home and putting my little family through this. Please pray for provisions for us, we find a decent landlord that isn’t trying to gouge us, safe area, and being able to afford college after his scholarships/grants. So much is so overwhelming. I pray constantly throughout the day but truly am getting weary as the timeline to move gets closer. I have no problem working to 70 to ensure my grandsons dream of being an architect is achieve but not being able to provide a home is heart wrenching. Prayer changes things. Thank you all!