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Please lift up in prayer my little grandbaby, Matteo, he is 17mo old. Trusting the Lord's healing touch on his little body. He very congested and has a fever that won't break. My heart aches seeing him suffering and not being his joyful self. May the Lord give the Dr. wisdom and guidance on how to treat him. Praying as well for his mom, my daughter, that this will bring her to her knees and she would come back to the Lord. She desperately needs "the woman at the well" encounter with Jesus. She has five children with different men. It's been so hard as her mom to see her look for love in all the wrong places. She has tried to fill the void my ex husband left when he divorced me. But I know that only the Lord can. She was created for much more. May his twin brother, Lucas stay well. May I be at peace and know that God is good and ultimately He is in control. I will offer Him the sacrifice of praise in the midst of this difficult time. Lord bless you🙏

Prayer requested by Lucia at 08:53:23 AM on 04-17-2024

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