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Grieving Loss of My Son

I lost my oldest son to cancer on June 16, 2022. I was with him pretty much 24/7 for his last 3 years of life. I had him when I was 18 and since I divorced when he was young, he took over the dad role for his younger siblings. Mother's Day week was one of my toughest in a long time and with his 1 year coming up, I am struggling with pain in my heart. I miss my son so much. I hate that he was so very sick and I couldn't help him. He did accept the Lord 8 months before he left us and I know I'll see him in heaven but right now I'm hurting. I was with him when he took his last breath and when they took him away. He was the second son I've lost, I lost my other son when he was 8 yrs old in 2001. I raised 4 kids by myself as I've been on my own for 35 years, divorcing many years ago with no help. I feel tired and alone at times. When my son first left I thought I would die from heart break. I now know I won't die but I'm really struggling. Thank you for your prayers. I know prayers and the Lord are keeping me going.

Prayer requested by Debra at 10:04:37 AM on 05-23-2023

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