Encouraging Thought

"When you're stressed, God gives rest."

"I've never quit loving you and I never will."
Jeremiah 31:3

"That God is rich in mercy means the things about you that make you cringe most, make him hug hardest."
Dane C. Ortlund, "Gentle and Lowly: The Heart of Christ for Sinners and Sufferers"

"When my worry is great within me, your comfort brings joy to my soul."
Psalm 94:19 (NLV)

"If you really want to receive joy and happiness, then serve others with all your heart."
Ezra Taft Benson

"My God will meet all your needs."
Philippians 4:19 (NIV)

"You may have been knocked down ... But because you're connected to God, you're
going to be okay. GET UP."
Chuck Tate

"Your sun will never set again."
Isaiah 60:20a (NIV)

"When we work, we work. When we pray, God works."
James Hudson Taylor

"He will not let you be defeated. He who guards you never sleeps."
Psalm 121:3 (NCV)

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