Encouraging Thought

"I am loved by the King, and it makes my heart want to sing!"
Chris Tomlin, "How Can I Keep From Singing"

"Hope is the quiet assurance that God's promises are true, even when the path is unclear."

"He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless."
Isaiah 40:29 (NLT)

"What the world neglects, the Lord accepts."
Deborah Brodie

"Jesus is my strength, my comfort, and my safe place."

"You are one of a kind, made on purpose, deeply loved, and called to be courageous."
Annie F. Downs

"I find rest in God; only he gives me hope."
Psalm 62:5 (NCV)

"Anyone who belongs to Christ is a new person."
2 Corinthians 5:15 (CEV)

"You are not invisible to God."
(no attrib)

"The hands that hold the world are holding your heart."
Phil Wickham, "Safe"

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