If you feel like you have some limitations in your life, maybe this will inspire you or maybe even change your mind?

Listen to this graduation speech from Elizabeth Bonker, a college valedictorian, who couldn't speak at all.

Valedictorian Elizabeth Bonker delivered the commencement speech at Rollins College in Florida.

She was diagnosed with having non-speaking autism and hasn't been able to speak since she was 15 months old.

"There are 31 million nonspeakers with autism in the world who are locked in a silent cage," Elizabeth shares. (NPR article)

But thanks to a text-to-speech software and accepting attitude from her peers and teachers, she overcame many challenges and graduated at the top of her class.

"We are all called to serve, as an everyday act of humility, as a habit of mind," she said.

"To see the worth in every person we serve."