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22nd Annual Awards Gala

From April 19, 6:00 PM until April 19, 11:59 PM

We invite you to join us as we celebrate our 22nd Annual Awards Gala on Friday, April 19, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. This is our opportunity to honor the amazing women who have defied all odds and reclaimed their rightful roles as mothers and leaders. We will also honor outstanding individuals who continue to make a difference in the lives of others.

Today, Time for Change Foundation serves as the model of excellence throughout the nation for empowering disenfranchised families and individuals. This is achieved by helping them to transition from homelessness to sustainable housing and addressing the critical need to reduce recidivism among the justice-involved population.

You can become our extension of light by partnering with Time for Change Foundation. Your support helps us to continue our stand as a beacon of light for these communities. Where you have stood with us in the past, we deeply value your continued support in this vital effort. If you are a new sponsor, we welcome your light!  Admission paid ticket or registration required. 




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