Encouraging Thought

"The LORD is my solid rock, my fortress, my rescuer. My God is my rock - I take refuge in Him! He's my shield, my salvation's strength, my place of safety."
Psalm 18:2 (CEB)

"If I've learned anything about the world of grace, it's that failure is always a chance for a do-over."
Brennan Manning

"But blessed are those who trust in the LORD and have made the LORD their hope and confidence."
Jeremiah 17:7 (NLT)

"How important it is for us to recognize and celebrate our Heroes and She-roes!"
Maya Angelou

"He reached down from heaven and rescued me; he drew me out of deep waters."
Psalm 18:16 (NLT)

"He is always good even when life is hard."
Lisa Harper

"When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am."
John 14:3 (NLT)

"Whatever is worrying you right now, forget about it. Take a deep breath and trust in God."
Linus van Pelt, "Peanuts"

"He is kind and patient, and his love never fails."
Psalm 103:8 (CEV)

"Don't be afraid just keep trusting."
Mark 5:36 (CEB)

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