• Mission Statement

    89.7 KSGN is a ministry of Good News Radio, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, that draws people closer to God by providing encouragement, edifying believers and building community through Christian music, mission outreach, and events. FAMILY FRIENDLY PROMISE The...

  • Our History

    89.7 KSGN covers a potential audience of over 4 million people in the Inland Empire (Riverside and San Bernardino Counties) as well as in Los Angeles and Orange Counties and can also be heard around the world on smartphones and at KSGN.COM. 89.7 KSGN...

  • Contact Us

    89.7 KSGN is like part of a family! We can sit with you in your living room, cook with you in your kitchen, and travel with you in your car - offering encouragement and hope all along the way. Please let us know when you have comments or prayer...

  • Coverage Map

  • Statement of Faith

    Good News Radio is a ministry helping to fulfill the great commission of Jesus Christ. Christ's commission to us is: to proclaim the Gospel and to teach all things He has commanded us. Therefore, both an evangelistic and an educational thrust are part...


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